This episode of Physically Spiritual is a conversation with Sue Soha. We discuss holistic healing from a Catholic perspective, weight management, eating disorders, and her approach to leading women to greater integration in Christ. Topics: holistic healing, Bulimia, hemorrhaging, Celiac Disease, Soul Core, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, the Wholey Healed Community, the Keto/Paleo Shift Course, surrendering control to God, and women’s ministry.
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1:00 Sue’s Faith Journey
9:00 Recovery from Bulimia
11:45 Sue’s Healing Journey
23:45 God Speaks the Truth to the Body
29:30 Becoming a SoulCore Instructor
33:45 Going Low Carb with an Eating Disorder History
38:00 The Wholey Healed Community
43:00 Healing in Community
Special Settings PT -
Keto/Paleo Shift Course -
Schedule a Call with Sue -
“In the face of the Cross, weakness becomes an occasion for further integration.” Andrew Comiskey, “Rediscovering Our Lost Fullness, A Guide to Sexual Integration” p.181 -
SoulCore -
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