Spiritual Direction & Coaching
Faithfully Catholic | Integrating Faith & Reason | Individual Support

Applying the best insights of faith and reason takes us from surviving to thriving. In the Becoming Gift blog and the Physically Spiritual podcast, I attempt to share what I have learned about the art of being human. Life is complex and we live in a world with conflicting messages about health and spirituality. I provide Spiritual Direction and Spiritual and Health Coaching to help people grow closer to God.
See my LinkedIn page for my education, experiences, and certifications.
My Journey
I believe that we are all called to do great things, but the obstacles we encounter can be roadblocks to being the person God calls us to be. In the last two decades, I have discerned into and out of the seminary, gained and lost 175 pounds, changed how I relate to stress, navigated the first decade of marriage, and began the journey of parenthood. On this road, I have been frustrated by the simplistic advice. Fad diets, self-help programs, and recommendations in the confessional have not always been effective for me. The solutions that have brought lasting change in my life address the roots of my struggles. The "standard of care" model of healing and "one size fits all" solutions don't work for everyone. I am a coach and spiritual director because I want to help people unearth what is holding them back and find enduring freedom.

Is this for You?
You might benefit from Spiritual Direction or Coaching if...
you feel stuck in a bad habit or sinful behavior
you are discerning your vocation or a life transition
you want to pray more regularly and design a healthier lifestyle
you want support as you grow spiritually, learn to pray, develop virtuous habits, or learn to meditate
Spiritual Direction & Coaching are not...
Healthcare - a coach does not diagnose physical/mental illness. Coaching does not include prescribing medications or treatment protocols.
Counseling - coaching and direction are not a substitute for therapy. Coaches and spiritual directors are not typically licensed clinicians.
Mentoring - a mentor has personal experience that they share with their client. A director or coach may or may not have experience related to their client's struggles.
What is the difference between Spiritual Direction and Coaching?
Spiritual Direction is an ongoing relationship with the goal of navigating through the ages of the spiritual life, developing a daily habit of prayer, and overcoming sin.
My approach to coaching focuses on overcoming specific specific struggles with health and spirituality, setting goals, and accountability.
Generally I meet with coaching clients more frequently for a limited period of time, and I meet with spiritual directees on an ongoing basis and less frequently or as needed.
Sometimes clients start with coaching and shift into spiritual direction.

I do not charge clients a fee. I ask clients to make an offering for each session. This is a gift and not a payment. Services are not withheld if no offering is made. Click the button below to see the Pledge Sheet that I ask clients to fill out.