The Power of Vision: Goals, Passions & Acceleration | Physically Spiritual 122
Fatherhood, Family Prayer & the Live IT Guide w/ Greg Schlueter | Physically Spiritual 86
"You Are That Temple" w/ Dr. Kevin Vost | Holiness, Health, and Virtue
Prayer for Inner Healing | Physically Spiritual S3 E24
The Healing Power of Memory & Imagination | Physically Spiritual S3 E23
The Healing Power of Stories | Physically Spiritual S3 E21
Three Expressions of Prayer | Physically Spiritual S2E6
Thanksgiving | Physically Spiritual 25
Forgiveness | Physically Spiritual 24
Naturally Supernatural Healing | Physically Spiritual 23
Healing Memories | Physically Spiritual
The Truth Will Set You Free | Physically Spiritual
God's Presence and Your Body | Physically Spiritual
The Universal Call | Physically Spiritual
Word of the Day | Morning Offering
Sacred Story | Physically Spiritual
Healing the Root | Physically Spiritual
Tree Models & Root Causes: Catholic Holistic Healing Series
A Plan for Healing | Physically Spiritual
Healing Plan: Catholic Holistic Healing Series